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    Does Sleep Apnea Impact on Vasectomy Reversal Success?

    Yes, a research study shows that sleep issues or disorders such as sleep apnea can hurt male fertility before or after a vas reversal.

    This review of published scientific, peer-reviewed research, prepared by vasectomy reversal authority Dr. Sheldon Marks, talks about new information regarding sleep issues and how these can lower testosterone and so fertility, a topic that is very important for men who are having a vasectomy reversal.

    Sometimes we need to see research to support what common sense already tells us. This is true with sleep issues and male fertility.

    A  study presented at the AUA (American Urological Association) annual meeting by Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy and researchers at the University of Miami showed that long-term sleep deprivation can be harmful for men, lower their testosterone levels and reduce their fertility (1).

    Men who are sleep deprived have significantly more problems with erections, and so have more erectile dysfunction (ED). Obviously, ED can impact on a man’s ability to father children. Sleep issues can also damage male fertility even more by lowering a man’s hormone levels, as they demonstrated lower levels of testosterone in sleep deprived men. Plus, men who don’t get enough good quality sleep have more issues with prostate problems, also not good for fertility. Of course, men with sleep issues also can have many other potentially serious non-fertility health issues involving their heart, blood pressure and lungs.

    If a man is considering a vasectomy reversal or has already had one, then it is smart to be sure that his fertility is at the highest level. To maximize chances for being able to father a child, it makes sense to find out if there are any potentially serious sleep related issues and do something to correct it.

    How should a sleep study be arranged?
    If a man or his partner thinks that he may have sleep issues like sleep apnea, disordered sleep patterns or concerns about not getting enough sleep, then we encourage our patients to talk to their primary care doctor and ask about getting a formal sleep study by a local sleep expert. It is always wise to find out if there is something that is serious and/or correctable. Ideally, any sleep studies should be done before the vas reversal so the problem can be corrected but they can be performed after the reverse vasectomy as well. Correcting any sleep abnormalities is good for general health and wellness, longevity and also for fertility which will increase the chances for a successful vasectomy reversal.

    To address any more questions about sleep and testosterone, male fertility or any subject, our full time, vas reversal only staff of professionals here at ICVR is available to talk. When ready, we offer a free consultation with either Dr. Marks or Dr. Burrows by phone, in person, Zoom, Skype or Face Time most days, evenings and weekends.

    This page was reviewed, updated and edited by vasectomy reversal authority Dr. Sheldon H.F. Marks on June 13, 2023.


    1. Impaired sleep is associated with low testosterone in US adult males: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Patel P, Shiff B, Kohn TP, Ramasamy R. World J Urol. 2019 Jul;37(7):1449-1453.