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  • The Scary Secrets Behind Discount Doctors

    The Scary Secrets Behind Some Discount Doctors

    There are many ways in 2024 that doctors can cut their costs so they can offer low cost vas reversals. It is important to know that to correctly perform a microsurgical 3 to 4 multi-layer vasectomy reversal, there are fixed costs that we believe simply should not be bypassed. It is not wise for doctors to ignore the use of a high quality, high power surgical microscope, specialty vas reversal microsutures and micro-instruments specifically designed to minimize trauma and injury to the vas, experienced senior nurses and surgical assistants for each patients safety, the type of sedation and the most cutting-edge 3 to 4 multi-layer surgical technique as well as unlimited continued after-care and andrology lab services for as long as needed – all necessary to provide the very highest vasectomy reversal success rates so that each couple has the best chances for having a baby. Does it make sense to use a doctor that chooses to ignore these to be able to have a lower cost?

    Of course, these are generic thoughts and do not reflect on the skill, expertise or results of individual doctors. I can promise that there are some doctors with minimal formal training, who do not follow what I teach and believe to be important, who get very high vasectomy reversal success rates and there are others who have had years of additional training and follow all the guidelines yet achieve lower success. Each doctor is different. It is recommended that every patient to do the necessary research so that they can make an intelligent, informed shared decision based on what they learn and which doctor is best for them.

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    SECRET #1:
    "You Get What You Pay For"

    I keep hearing "we should have know that you get what you pay for" from our patients that had a failed vas reversal elsewhere before they came to us for a redo vasectomy reversal here at ICVR. How much is saved if the vas reversal doesn’t work or if there are complications and so couples do not achieve their dream of having children after a vasectomy because they chose a discount or less expensive doctor?

    SECRET #2:
    Safety & Sedation Nightmares

    There may be some vas reversal doctors that may put their patients at added risk because the cut corners and do not have professional nurses, critical support staff as well as important safety and vitals monitoring equipment present during and after the vas reversal. What if there’s a rare complication or medication reaction during the surgery? It is best to always ask. 

    Here at ICVR, we choose to have a team of highly experienced, trained senior medical professionals, as we would want for ourselves or our families if we are have any surgery. Not having critical support staff may be fine and work for most patients, that is until there is a problem during or after the vas reversal. Though we have never needed it in more than 3 decades, every member of our ICVR surgery team is trained and maintains up-to date certification with Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), just in case.

    Patients have told us that some doctors may sit by themselves, alone, performing vas reversals without anyone administering sedatives throughout the surgery or dedicated to monitor the patient’s vitals, comfort or safety. We frequently hear horror stories by patients that were only given their a pill or handful of pills as the total sedation, not knowing how it will be uniquely absorbed and metabolized by that individual, unsure of whether it might be too much or not enough or not last long enough, and so they then had to chew another Valium when they were too awake or the pain gets too bad. 

    SECRET #3:
    Lack of a True Operating Room

    The vasectomy reversal should be performed in a state-of-the-art operating suite specificallydesigned, built and equipped for vasectomy reversals as we have here at ICVR. We have heard that some “experts” surprised their patients when they discover that the OR is really a converted garage, living room or a fancy office procedure room that they call an OR. Others perform the vasectomy reversal at a surgery center or hospital where there is constant pressure for the doctor to go fast to make room for the next surgeries booked that day. Plus, at many of these facilities, the doctor may have no say or control about which microsutures, specialized instruments or high power urgical microscope they can use, and so are forced to use whatever is cheapest or included in the contracted buying group.

    SECRET #4: Surgical Microscope...or so they say!

    I have heard of some doctors that may not use a high quality, high-powered surgical microscope such as our Leica microscope to perform a vas reversal. Instead, they may use old style magnifying glasses (called Loupes) which has been proven to be inadequate decades ago or a cheap, training microscope not designed for the precision and magnification necessary for a correctly performed, personalized, 3 to 4 layer vas reversal.

    SECRET #5:
    Little or No Follow Up Care

    Even in 2024, many doctors do not understand the need for or offer important follow-up care - after all, close aftercare takes a lot of the doctor's time and the doctor does not get paid for continuing to manage and advise the patient to achieve the highest results. If patients have any issues or questions after the vas reversal with some doctors, then they may find themselves on their own as many doctors do not provide follow-up care. I have heard that some doctors must think that each patient “paid for the vas reversal” and nothing else.

    Because these doctors don’t understand the importance of close monitoring of sperm counts and medical care for low or dropping results, these doctors commonly offer no or substandard advice, telling their patients “go try to get pregnant and if it doesn’t work then get a sperm count in 6 to 12 months” rather than the correct guidance to check semen analyses every 4 to 6 weeks with prompt medical management if the counts are not good or are decreasing. We have also heard from patients that when they reach out to their vasectomy reversal doctor, they were told that they should see a local doctor for any follow-up care and management.

    SECRET #6:
    Outdated, Cheap, or "Quickie" Techniques

    Many doctors can cut costs when they choose to perform an old technique that is fast, easy and cheap. They don’t perform a true 3 to 4, multi-layer, state-of-the-art vas reversal or don’t even use the finest microsutures. Instead, they are satisfied to use much thicker sutures with an outdated one or two layer reverse vasectomy technique. Sure, many of these will work and couples will have plenty of babies, but not at the higher success rates of the most advanced 3 to 4 layer technique.  

    Some doctors choose to not look at the fluid microscopically, which is proven to be absolutely necessary to know what technique (vas-to-vas or vas-to-epididymal bypass) needs to be done. Many doctors won’t even perform the epididymal bypass, even though all top experts will explain that this is the correct procedure to perform when there is deeper blockage. I have seen where other doctors will take the time to microscopically look at the vasal fluid but then only do the easier vas-to-vas connection even when no sperm are seen, and a vas-to-epididymal bypass is the correct technique.

    A correctly performed vasectomy reversal takes about 2 to 2 ½ hours. In my mind, there is just no way that I can understand how anyone can do a correctly performed multi-layer precision vasectomy reversal in an hour or less. Other doctors may choose to perform multiple vas reversals in a day day, rather than the one-a-day approach of most experts  (what we do at ICVR) which eliminates the pressure to rush to move fast to get to the next surgeries or fatigue from earlier vas reversals. 


    When a vasectomy reversal is performed correctly by a true master using the right tools, then the chances for the highest success rates are achievable – success as high as 99.5% here at ICVR for vas-to-vas connections. This higher success translates to a higher chance for achieving a couple's dream of having a baby together after a vasectomy.


    To find out more about ICVR or precision microsurgical vas reversals, call our team of senior professionals who can answer any questions and when ready, set up a no-cost consultation with one of our two microsurgeons for phone, Zoom, Face Time, Skype or in office.

    Contact Us at ICVR for all your questions about Vasectomy Reversals

    ICVR’s team of senior professionals are available to answer any questions about our personalized, custom full time, vas reversal only practice or about precision microsurgical vasectomy reversals or aftercare. When ready to set up a no-cost, zero obligation in office or Google Meet consultation with either of our two microsurgeons, please call today to start the process!

    This page was reviewed, edited and updated March 27, 2024 by Sheldon H.F. Marks, MD.
