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  • Sperm Healthy Diet, Supplements and Lifestyle

    Sperm Healthy Diet, Supplements and Lifestyle

    Here at ICVR, we offer sperm banking, also called sperm cryopreservation, at no additional charge to all of our patients at the time of the vasectomy reversal.

    Lifestyle choices before and after your vasectomy reversal can improve or hurt sperm counts and quality. Because it takes 74 to 90 days to make a sperm, it is best to avoid all behaviors starting months before your reversal and afterwards that can lower sperm quality or counts. Even using a hot tub once can cause problems with sperm motility for a few months. If you have any questions, please contact us before you do anything that might lower your success. You have invested so much financially, emotionally, and medically in your reversal. Please follow these guidelines.

    Starting now –

    1. **No heat to your scrotum and groin areas. Heat hurts sperm so NO hot baths, hot tubs, saunas, Jacuzzis or soaking in hot baths above body temperature. Hot showers are fine. Remember that since it takes 90 days to make a sperm, any damage done even one time from heat can hurt your counts for 3 months. Yes, even one single time.
    2. Stay well hydrated.
    3. Caffeine is fine in moderation. You get to define moderation.
    4. **Eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts (especially walnuts, almonds, pecans) and berries (especially blackberries and blueberries). Oily, cold water fish (salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines) are good for fertility.
    5. Regular ejaculations, every 24 to 48 hours, as best you can, to keep fluid flowing through the repaired vas and reduce your risks for scarring. Life gets in the way of plans so don’t stress if you can’t.
    6. Avoid all testosterone replacements and all male hormone/androgen supplements. Even over-the-counter testosterone boosters or any hormone stimulant or precursor. These can drastically reduce, and even zero-out sperm counts for months or years. If you have any questions, ask us.
    7. Absolutely no tobacco in any form. Tobacco use causes DNA damage to sperm cells that leads to lower pregnancy rates, increased incidence of miscarriage and birth defects.
    8. No marijuana and other recreational drugs which also lowers fertility, hurts sperm health, damages the sperm DNA, and drops your testosterone levels.
    9. Alcohol in moderation, no more than 2 drinks in a night. Excess drinking is associated with significant sperm toxicity and a drop in sperm counts and quality, not to mention “pickling” your brain and liver.
    10. Maintain a healthy weight. Excess fat tissue around the belly results in increased estrogen and lowered testosterone levels.
    11. Avoid cells phones in your front pants pockets.
    12. Do not place a laptop, tablets or other computer device directly on your lap as the electromagnetic field from the devices and heat are bad for sperm.

    Changes in your diet and lifestyle starting before and continuing after your vasectomy reversal may improve your sperm quality, limit excess inflammation, improve reversal success as well as your overall health. In general, if it’s good for your heart, your brain or longevity, it tends to be good for sperm and fertility. Eating a balance diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and supplements with a healthy diet, rich in colorful fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and berries can improve sperm counts and quality. The very best sources of these nutrients are always from natural sources and foods. Be careful as many supplements can be harmful to sperm!

    Many multi-vitamins have only some of these or not high enough of a dose, so you may want to add whatever is needed. You should restart vitamins no sooner than one week after your reversal.

    When it comes to supplements, more does not always equal better, so please follow the recommended dosages. It is important to take the correct amount as too many antioxidants and vitamins can be dangerous. If you are not a fan of taking all these individually then you can take a male fertility blend vitamin such as Conception XR or Evolution 60, the two highest rated supplements. Many other popular supplements do not have ingredients that are supported by scientific research.

    Before you start any new vitamins, herbs, antioxidants, and supplements please contact us for approval as many have hidden side effects, might cause bleeding, hurt sperm quality or can interact with the medications we have prescribed. Do not start any new supplements or vitamins without checking with our office first, even if prescribed by a doctor.

    **Your partner should be on prenatal vitamins as well.

    These have been shown in multiple studies to be helpful for sperm:

    Vitamin E *400 IU mixed tocopherols daily
    Coenzyme Q10*100 to 200 mcg daily
    Zinc50 mg daily
    Vitamin C250 to 500 mg 3X/day
    L-carnitine1 g daily

    Other supplements with only a single study showing benefits include (doses unspecified):

    • Folic Acid
    • Ashwagandha Extract
    • L-Glutathione
    • N-Acetyl Cysteine
    • Panax/Asian/Korean Ginseng Powder

    Many doctors also recommend Vit D and Fish oil*

    Others suggest serrapeptase and MACA to reduce excess inflammation.

    *These and other supplements can interfere with medications or be mild blood thinners so if you take any medications or have any heart conditions, check with your primary care doctor or cardiologist about whether you can safely take any supplements especially Vitamin E, Fish Oil or Coenzyme Q10.