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    Using the Internet in 2023 – Do’s and Don’ts to Find a Top Vasectomy Reversal Doctor

    This blog was written by Dr. Sheldon Marks to address issues about some vasectomy reversal doctor’s websites and how their ranking can influence patient choices and decisions.

    Websites that promote a vasectomy reversal doctor can be very up-to-date and current, while others may be old sites that simply rank highly because of their website optimization.

    What’s even scarier is that many doctor’s websites may rank highly, even if the doctors are not really experts or trained in vasectomy reversals.

    But how can this be if the doctor and his website is listed so high?”

    Like so many of us, we assume that how high a vasectomy reversal site ranks organically is directly related to its validity as a top expert in vasectomy reversals. Sadly, this is just not true. These websites are ranked on a variety of known and unknown factors, links, keywords and phrases as well as many other constantly evolving aspects.

    I recently spoke with a patient who is high up in Google, asking about this very thing. He pointed out that Google thinks that each individual reader will review each site and use their judgment to determine whether the expert is real or just somebody with an impressive, well optimized site.

    What that means is that when reviewing vasectomy reversal doctor’s websites, take everything written with a “grain of salt”. Be a little skeptical (Crain DS, Roberts JL, Amling CL. Practice patterns in vasectomy reversal surgery: results of a questionnaire study among practicing urologist. J Urol 2004;171(1):311-5).

    Some questions to ask might include – who are these people proudly announcing that they are vas reversal experts, and in what specialty did they do their residency training?

    Are they urologists, the only specialty trained in all the complex aspects of male fertility and urologic microsurgery? Or were they trained in totally different fields of medicine? What details of the training did they have to be able to perform urologic microsurgery?

    Are they real experts that teach courses and write classes for other urologists who perform vas reversals?

    And remember, there is no government or insurance oversight of vasectomy reversal doctors as there is for almost all other surgeries.

    We know that when couples take the time to really look at what each patient will or will not get and compare, most will see the truth and choose a true expert like the doctors of ICVR, a full time reversal only center. Call us now to find out more or to schedule a no cost phone, Face Time, Zoom or Skype consult with either Dr. Marks or Dr. Burrows.

    This page was reviewed, edited and updated June 13, 2023 by Sheldon Marks, MD.